The Cost-Benefit of Hiring a Virtual Assistant vs. a Full-Time Employee

The linchpins of success are efficiency and smart resource management. And what has become more relevant as the rise of remote working and even digital enterprises is the debate between hiring a virtual assistant versus a full-time employee. Let’s pick this debate apart.

The Financial Frontlines

The bottom line, numbers and budget is the driving force behind many businesses, and looking at the budget battle between a virtual assistant (VA)  and a full-time employee (FTE) is the first port of call. Looking at a VA, you only pay for the hours they work or up until the task is completed, there are no overhead costs that you need to cover for office space, and you’re dodging the expenses that come with a full-time salary and benefits. This all makes a VA very cost-effective.

However, the predictability of a FTEs fixed salary makes budgeting in your business easier and, yes you might have to pay more, but you are building on their company loyalty, productivity (they are only focused on your work) and the company culture. 

FTEs can become a long-term return on investment, but a virtual assistant for small business can offer an attractive low-cost flexibility .

Scalability and Flexibility

Every business has to keep their eye on the future and growing their business, making scalability and flexibility of their workforce very important. Having VAs in your corner makes scalability and flexibility a dream. You will be left out of a HR nightmare of hiring and firing to accommodate either a rapid growth or change in the market. Having a VA makes it a breeze to handle the flexibility needed to accommodate project-based needs, unexpected increases in demands or even seasonal fluctuations.

On the other hand, scaling with FTEs is a “go/stop” situation. You or your HR department needs to handle the hiring and firing which can also be very time-consuming as there might even be training involved too beyond the interviews. 

Specialisation and Skills

Specialisation and skills can be what makes the decision for you whether to choose a VA or FTE. VA usually has a variety of skills. This makes it easy for businesses to hire a VA just for a specific task or project that needs a specific skill set or knowledge. 

As for FTEs, because they are a more permanent part of a team, businesses can invest in their long-term skill development. They can even make sure that the skills they want their FTEs to learn and develop are aligned with the projected growth the business is planning to take in the future. 


So, is a VA or FTE the best answer? Well, it all depends on your business – your needs, the financial outlook and also the growth trajectory for the future. A VA is the best fit if you are looking for flexibility, specialisation and cost-effectiveness. A FTE is more of a better fit if you are after more intangible benefits like in-person collaboration and cultural integration. So its all about, what will fit with your unique scenario.